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Movie Quotes

The Skulls Quote(s)

Quote: those who wish to become our leaders choose the ordeal of war to prove themselves worthy of the priviledge
Quote: (Lucas):They said that it was at the building which doesn't necessarily mean that its... (Lucas and Caleb): ...in the building.
Quote: Our membership has its pleasure, its hardship, and sometimes its pain.

Quote: Boy: what's up?! Girl: the pizza's up
Quote: A friend once told me that if its secret and elite it cant be good

Quote: Caleb:Where did you learn to do that? Luke: Ahh the skills of a mispent youth.
Quote: Caleb: I never take responsibility for anything.
Quote: Litten: You were worth the effort.
Quote: Lucas: Tell them the truth about what happened to Will.
Caleb: I'm sorry Lucas.
Lucas: Don't apologize to me Caleb. Just tell them the truth.
Caleb: No, I'm sorry for what I have to do to you.
Quote: Litten: There are two ways out of this Lucas. One is you can with drawl your challenge.
Lucas: And the other?
Litten: Your dead. Caleb has a crack shot. You got no chance.
Lucas: I guess I won't be coming over for Thanksgiving then.

Ames Levbitt: So Caleb, what are your plans?
Caleb: I'm just treading water. Waiting to see what happens.
Litten Mandrake: Then your arms must be getting tired?
Caleb: They are dad, because you keep throwing me toward the deep end of the pool.
Quote: Caleb : So what did you say your name was?
Lucas : Luke McNamara.
Caleb : Caleb Mandrake.
Lucas : I know. I've been serving you breakfast for the last three years.
Caleb : Oh I'm sorry.

Quote: Excuse me gentlemen, locks just happen to be my speciality.

Quote: A snake without scales shows it's veins.

Quote: Caller: Are you ready to be reborn?
Quote: Girl: Caleb I can't see the race.
Caleb: Imagine it.
Quote: We live by the rules, we die by the rules
Quote: Where can I get some more of that shit
Quote: Well done son, well done.

Quote: Hell Yes!!!!
Quote: When it comes to friendship, there is no middle ground
Quote: Whoa, where can I get me some more of that shit!?
Quote: This must be what they mean by a Skull above any other.
Quote: A good friend once told me that if it's secret and it's elite, it can't be good.
Quote: A good friend once told me if its secret and its elite, it can't be good.
Quote: With friendship...there is no middleground.

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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